1930 Whippet Coupe, 2008 Harley Davidson & Antiques – ONLINE ONLY
February 14th, 2024 – 5:00pm – HiBid.com
Auction will consist of items from the Irish Estate from Laharpe, IL, as well as more items from Ardelle Moffett. Included on this sale will be a very nice selection of Black Americana and Masonic / Knights Templar items. Also selling is the 1930s Whippet car from Canton, IL that was put behind a wall and stored over 40 years ago. There will be a good selection of stoneware, farm primitives, P. Buckely Moss prints, R. Atkinson Fox framed prints, Coach & Brighton designer bags, antique furniture, a general line of antiques and various other items of interest.
The 2008 Harley Davidson Motorcycle can be viewed in Silvis, IL. Bike will remain there during the entirety of the auction. Seller information and contact is listed in the catalog. Any bidders that wish to inspect the bike in person will need to contact the owner.
Catalog will be completed on or before January 31st, 2024.