We will be selling the entire lifetime collection and personal property of Dave Runkle. This will include machinery, farm items, primitives, antiques, fishing memorabilia, local advertising and a magnitude of items too numerous to list. Dave was a farmer for most of his life, while selling seed and running a trucking company during that time as well. He has acquired many nice things over the years, and they are all being offered at auction.
SALE #1 : This sale will be held LIVE, on the farm at 4332 LaPrarie Road, Huntsville, IL on the Runkle family farm. Watch for signs on sale day. This sale will include Machinery, Tools, Outdoor items, Farm Primitives & Antiques. Also included in this sale will be contents of several buildings. This sale will be LIVE with some ONLINE bidding available on certain items.
All of the large items are out and available for viewing on the farm. There is someone currently living at the residence, so please do not visit after dark. All hay rack items will be available for viewing the day of sale. The online catalog up up and will show all information on each item. Scroll down and click on the “Click here to bid” button. 11-9-21 : Over 60 pictures have been added today.