Orion “Bing” Baxter Jr Estate Live Auction – Fandon, IL
If you are making plans s to attend this auction, you WILL need mud boots. Mother nature hasn’t been all that kind to us for proper set up and auction day. This field is very muddy. Just a heads up for all attendees. ALSO, there is plenty of parking. Trucks and trailer will be allowed to enter on the the south edge of the property, with plenty of room for parking. Cars may also use this lot, but at their own discretion. We suggest the all cars or 2wd vehicles use the roadway.
This will be the complete liquidation of the personal property of Orion “BING” Baxter Jr Estate of Fandon, IL. Auction to be held LIVE, on the farm just south of Fandon.
Date: Saturday, May 22, 2021
Time: 9:00 am
Auction held: 6520 N 550th street Colchester, Illinois