Hancock County New Year’s Auction



Open house Thursday 12:00-4:00pm & Friday 10:00am-4:00pm

  • This sale will include The John Leffler Estate, Sutter, Il as well as items from the Estate of Nita Johnson, Carthage, IL and items from the Carolyn Schulten collection.  This will be one of the best auctions you will have a chance to attend this year, so make plans now.  This listing will be somewhat abbreviated, as we are currently unpacking and setting up.  We will be adding pictures likely daily of new items.  Check back!!



Antique & Primitive Furniture  –  Early 8′ ornate steeple top pine cabinet; one-of-a-kind maple w/ walnut inlay game table; 8′ built-in primitive cabinet(missing doors); 7′ walnut wardrobe; 7′ walnut corner cabinet; 8′ walnut country cupboard; 7′ primitive bookcase w/ desk; 7′ oak stepback cupboard; 6′ 2-door primitive cabinet;  signed Limbert Mission oak rocking chair; 12-drawer baker’s cabinet; early potato/oats bins; early primitive dry sink; numerous primitive benches; various early primitive chairs; large 2-door cabinet top; fancy burl walnut carved back chair; primitive painted dough box; 8′ painted church pew; walnut hall mirror; early 1800s blanket chest; 6′ Quincy counter top showcase;  36″ x 22″ Quincy counter top showcase; ornate gold gilded mirror; various primitive shelves; 1840s-50s 2-drawer standup desk; carved walnut corner shelf; early walnut turned leg table; (2) 1800s blanket chests; (2) carved walnut upholstered settees w/ 4 matching chairs; early primitive washstand; Sheaffer’s Pen store display cabinet; painted 3-drawer dresser w/ mirror; oak 4-drawer dresser w/ mirror; (3) painted 1-drawer tables;small 24-hole cubbie; 6′ cubbie; 5′ primitive bench w/ back & armrests; primitive 1-drawer table; modern Queen Anne style table w/ 4 chairs; (4) 1870s Odd Fellows captain’s chairs; mahogany demilune game table; cherry drop leaf table w/ string inlay; 1820s tiger maple child’s bed; 1830s oak bay cradle; cherry Pembroke table; (6) 1870s grain painted cane bottom chairs; several clean rope beds; full size Jenny Lind bed; 1950s mint condition cedar chest; oak drop front secretary; (3) primitive painted cabinets; primitive painted 1 door cupboard,1865 Puritan bed and numerous other pieces of antique and primitive furniture.  Check website for photos of other items being added to the sale.
Antiques & Farm Primitives –  14 drawer maple front occupational cabinet; 42″ porcelain Gulf Gasoline sign; 6′ porcelain Mail Pouch Tobacco thermometer sign;  1949 Citation cast iron door stop; (2) Burgemeister Beer box printing plates; Canfield duck decoy–Dallas City; 1930 Farmer’s Elevator Thermometer–Blandinsville, IL; Gibson’s 8 Whiskey cardboard sign; Bull-Meat Brand flour barrel; NOS Coca Cola lighted sign; commercial Popsicle mold; Out Casts car club plate; 2 oak spice cabinets; over 25 stoneware bowls to include White Hall, Red Wing and Macomb; over 25 stoneware crocks and jugs to include a 3-gal. Ripley Churn, 4-gal. Ripley crock and numerous other decorated pieces; over 20 stoneware pitchers to include spongeware; coffee grinders; early kitchen primitives; plated flatware; pottery pig banks; wooden butter molds; stoneware dog door stop(Ohio); sugar buckets of all sizes; original carved wood goose decoy; tramp art frames; 1940s cardboard Coca Cola sign w/ Kay frame; Bowen Cafe sign w/ bracket; early 1800s D.L. West Carlisle, Ohio Coverlet; Hastings piston ring catalog rack; impl. seats; various farm primitives; over 30 toy tractors; primitive wooden totes; numerous pieces of Ironstone; several good early framed prints; Enterprize #00 cast iron coffee mill; early wood/tin foot warmer; stoneware salt cellars; oak 2-drawer spool cabinet; (2) horse pull toys; original Flatt & Scruggs concert poster; Vinson Bros. basket–Lima, IL; Horse Brand wooden clothes drying rack; Standard Motor Co. Chevrolet glass sign–Plymouth, IL; NOS Camel cigarette sign; miniature sad iron; 6-gal. stoneware Slave Jug; several early dolls; (2) Otis Howe Burris dealer signs; 1950s-60s cattle auction catalogs including Western Illinois–Macomb; United Hagie pork sign; enamel Thompson’s malted milk canister; (10) Hancock County cookbooks to include a ‘69 Nauvoo and one from Pontoosuc; (2) complete 8′ windmill blades w/ tails; several walking plows to include a John Deere and a left-handed plow; over twenty 6′ wooden shutters; numerous steel implement wheels; 4′ Skelly Gasoline porcelain sign; 30″ Standard Oil & Gas porcelain sign;  8′ painted wood live bait sign; 1960s Stag Beer crazy cooler; 1960s Pepsi cola cooler; cast iron lard press; galv. feeders and buckets; cast iron kettles and pots; (2) Badger farm equipment signs; lightning rod w/pig weather vane; NOS Maryville, MO lightning rod weather vane w/bull–never used; double wash tubs on stand; cast iron dinner bell; DeLaval cream separator; early fruit press; Dietz Lanterns wooden advrt. box;  (4) wooden wagon wheels; Mason-Hamlin cabinet organ; Farmer’s State dime bank-West Point, IL; LaHarpe State dime book bank;  Pemco Regular original gas pump globe;  over 20 sterling silver destination spoons; sterling charm bracelets; as well as numerous other antiques, primitives, signs and advertising too numerous to mention.


Auctioneer’s Note – Make plans to attend this auction as it will be one of the nicest antique and primitive sales you will have a chance to attend all year.  One ring will be running all day with all items selling indoors.  All announcements made on sale day shall supersede any prior. Not responsible for accidents.  Food provided on sale day by Sly Fox Foods.  Any and all left bids for this auction will carry a 10% convenience fee.  NO onsite buyer’s premium.

Doris A Darling Estate Auction Real Estate & Personal Property

Real estate & personal property

1054 N. Dean Street – Bushnell

Well maintained 2 bed, 1 bath ranch home with detached 1-car garage.  The home sets on a deep lot and has a newer roof and updated furnace and water heater.  This home will sell with no reserve to the highest bidder on Thursday, October 24, 2019 at 6 p.m.
Rhoades Real Estate will conduct the auction of the real estate.
Personal property: clean modern furniture and
household goods.
pictures below.

Leo & Virginia Kimbrough Estate Auction

Real Estate – The real estate at 525 Marion street in Warsaw Illinois consists of a 1 1/2 story home with a 2-4 car detached garage.  The home will feature 2-3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, sunpoarch, hand made kitchen cabinets made by Mr. Kimbrough, a walk in pantry and  a finished 2 room basement(cement) .  The home also has a detached smokehouse/ summer kitchen as well as a 8 x 12 garden shed and a enclosed potting station for the amazing flower garden in the back yard. Several large garden statues will remain with the home per the request of Mrs. Kimbrough. The roof has been put on in the last 5 years.  Many updates have been made to this home through the years and it was well maintained. Auctioneer for the real estate will be Mike Sullivan. Attorney for the real estate will be Stephen B. Morris – http://stephenmorrislaw.com/ Hamilton, IL. The real estate sells “AS IS” with no warranties. The sale of the real estate is not contingent on the buyer’s ability to finance. The successful bidder will provide 10% of the purchase price the day of sale. Remaining balance including any taxes or fees is due within 30 days of sale date.

1978 Mercury Zephyr 4 door sedan – 32,460 original miles, car is all original and in immaculate condition. 1 owner and a 3 speed on the floor.
Antiques and Primitives – 1930 steamboat captain’s log book; Folk art spool pin cushion; various stoneware bowls, crocks, jars and jugs; old battles and jars; Indian artifacts; vintage women’s clothing; costume jewelry; Texasware bowls; good juice glasses; S&Ps; antique glassware to include depression, hand painted china, carnival and various others; McCoy pottery and various other art pottery pieces; oak coffee grinder; enamelware; 1974 Hancock County Atlas-Reprint; numerous old paintings; Leisy Brewery mug-Peoria; Hist. of Hamilton, IL book; Hancock County Civil war book; wooden bird cage; early Warsaw fire postcards; 1899 Warsaw Milling Co cook book; 1960s alum. canister set; Red Ryder and Ben Franklin air rifles; cast iron well pump; large wooden cart w/ steel wheels; cast iron planter/urn; galv. watering cans & tubs; Ozark pottery; farm primitives of all kinds, round rung wooden ladders; wooden porch pillars; some local history items and various other antiques too numerous to mention.
Antique & Mid-Century Furniture – Prim. painted kitchen cabinet base; 8 drawer cabinet; pine corner cabinet; oak smoker’s stand; oak washstand; oak double bed w/ mattress glass front china cabinet; curio cabinets; over sized walnut rocker; oak table/ desk; painted bead board cabinet; various trunks and chests; walnut settee; 7′ walnut wardrobe; walnut drop front secretary; early blanket chest; pine trunk made by Mr. Kimbrough; antique chairs and rockers; 30 drawer wooden workbench; homemade wooden workbench; wooden benches;  Adirondack chair and various other pieces of antique furniture.
 Mid – Century Modern Furniture – walnut dining room table w/ chairs; iron end tables w/ glass inserts; mahogany office desk; office chair; round lounge pillow chairs; full size bed w/ matching dresser; various lamps; steel plant stand; steel patio table w/ chairs; 2 door cabinet/sideboard as well as various other Mid Century pieces and fixtures.
Household & Outdoor items – 38″ RCA flat screen TV; Kenmore small chest type  freezer; Whirlpool refrigerator/freezer; Speed Queen washing machine; Perfect Aire window AC unit; small line of household type items; cement statues of all kinds; cast alum. patio table w/ chairs; bird baths; Craftsman 6.0 shop-vac; live traps; yard 7 hand tools; small line of tools and hardware; Poland push mower; Craftsman leaf blower(electric); Mantis garden tiller and numerous other items.
The Kimbroughs took immaculate car of everything they owned, from their personal property to their home.  The pictures and the items speak for themselves.  This will be a quality sale of very, very clean items.  Make plans to attend.  Running one ring throughout the day, with the real estate and car selling at roughly 12:00 noon.


Dorothy & The Late Gordon Melvin

Country Farm Auction

Antiques & Farm Primitives – Oak straight front kitchen cabinet; Oak kitchen cabinet w/ enamel top; square oak table w/ 4 chairs; oak gentleman’s dresser w/ mirror; fancy oak platform rocker; oak Dental / Barber’s cabinet (rough); oak 4 drawer dresser w/ mirror; walnut 3 drawer dresser with mirror; primitives tables and chairs of all kinds; several other pieces of antique furniture; large hall mirror w/ gold gilded frame; various trunks; over 100 Archer Oil cans w/ Indian(qts., 5 gal., 2 gal. and handy oilers)-some will be NOS; several hand made quilts; various pieces of glassware to Depression and Carnival; linens, doilies & fancy work; tin dutch mill sand toy; Singer treadle sewing machine; various farming manuals and books; Arcade cast iron wrecker; NOS 1960s-70s Feed & Seed hats; 1960s-70s feed & seed jackets; oak doll china cabinet; prim. kitchen items; Korn Top pig cookie jar; IH parts boxes; old marbles; various advertising tins and cans; various sizes of steel implement wheels; early wall mounted hand crank drill press; barn pulleys & drops; vintage license plates; Victorian wire fence gate; rolls of primitive fencing; Hog – Joy hog oiler; cast iron well pumps; painted barn doors; round rung wooden ladders; (3) Edw. J. Funk signs; hand crank corn sheller; barn tin; 150 lb. anvil; vintage toys and games; farm and barn primitives of all kinds; various other antiques and colectables.  We are sure to find items during this set up process, as the barns and sheds are packed full, so watch for updates on www.KyleKelsoAuctioneer.com

Tractors, Tools & Supplies – Farmall M tractor w. loader – 1 owner; IH Cub Lo-Boy tractor; Agri-Fab lawn wagon; Huskee 25 gal. ATV sprayer w/ wand; 4′ section harrow; Schumacher battery charger; 500 gal fuel barrel w/ pump; torch outfit w/ tanks; J.L. White heater; Shop Smith Mark V w/ lathe, band saw, tables and accessories; Craftsman belt/disc sander; Craftsman 8″ bench grinder; Craftsman 12″ band saw; Craftsman jointer; Craftsman table saw; Delta 12″ portable planer; Delta Compound Miter saw;  Delta drill press; Porter-Cable router table; Chicago Electric belt sander; several new electrical power tools; Wissota pedestal grinder; Walker floor jack; Rubbermaid wheelbarrow; 20+ bar clamps; Indesto 3/4″ socket set; Jorgensen wood clamps; various other wood clamps; wood working books and magazines; 12″ dovetail jig; 16 pc. Forstner bit set; 30 pc. router bit set; nice general line of wood shop and garage type tools; large selection of general hardware; (2) Red Brand barbed wire; metal fence braces; over 200 NEW & used steel T posts; pencil posts; electric fence posts; electric fencing items; 6″ wooden fence posts; wooden gates; large amount of rough cut lumber; large amount of used lumber and barn wood; (30+) 16′ white metal barn tin and various other tools and supplies.  There also will be a chance for some scrap items.
Modern & Household Items – Whirlpool Designer Style refrigerator; Whirlpool washing machine; Maytag Neptune electric dryer; like new full size mattress; full size mattress w/ bed; (2) rocker/recliners; 4 drawer filing cabinet;  luggage; pressure cookers; oak roll top knee hole desk; 2 door china cabinet; small amount of kitchen type and household items.
 Sales like this, on the farm and the same people living in the house for over 50 years are less and less.  Make plans to attend this holiday weekend auction.  A large portion of the sale can be held indoors if the weather calls for it.

Continue reading Dorothy & The Late Gordon Melvin

Steve & Robert Yeast Estates & Yeast Printing

2007 GMC Yukon
1996 Chevy pickup truck
1999 Wells cargo utility trailer
2000 Wells cargo utility trailer

DJ/Music Equipment: Tenor guitar; Large amounts of Peavey speakers & Amps of all sizes;Peavey sp 3g 3 way loudspeaker; Peavey deltafex effects crossover; Peavey sp 118 subwoofer; Peavey 2×12” speaker cabinet; Fender squier rs4268 monitor speakers; Behringer eurorack ub2222 FX-pro mixer; Peavey md-12 mixer; Peavey 2002 mixer; Peavey 2002-12rq mixer; Speaker stands; Stage lighting stands; Peavey PV-lite 3000 lighting system; AKG wireless mics.; Large amounts of karaoke CDs; Ampeg amp; Mic stands; Disco ball; a large amount of light show equipment (American DJ brand); speaker/mic cords; Laser show equipment; Much much more DJ equipment that is in storage at the time of press.


Restaurant Equipment: Neon signs to include Pizza, Pasta, Salad;  Food Saver by Tilia Vacuum Pack System; Pizza trays; Grill Cover – Knife Keeper Bag; Green Aprons; Stainless Steel 5 Basket Spaghetti Baskets; 4 – 4 Qt Plastic Storage Containers; Insert Stainless Steel Pans For Salad Bars & Lids Stainless Steel Lids & Pans & Utensils & Dippers; Fryer – Fry Daddy; Lazy susan; Multichopper; Microwave; Pizza Oven (Blodgett); Styrofoam Containers;Take Out Containers; Straws; Serving Unit Electric; Wooden Pail; Pizza Pan Holder; 6 – 22 Qt Hard Plastic Food Storage Containers; 9 – 8 Qt Hard Plastic Food Storage Containers; White plastic flour bin on wheels; 12 – 2′ x 3′ White Trays for Pizza Dough to Refrigerate; Stainless Steel 24 Qt Cooking Pan; Utensils; Bunn commercial coffee maker;


Antiques/collectables: Fiesta to include, Blue Coffee Cups, Gold Coffee Cups, Green Coffee Cup, Orange Coffee Cups, Orange Coffee Pot, Bowls; Lefton 1176 B Pink Roses; Lefton China 820 Pink Flower; Ohio cigar mold; Clear glass; primitive doors; Tea leaf china; Lily sodas biscuit tin; Retro rod iron furniture; Oil lamps; Wildlife series decanter sets; Amber glass; Macomb Magic signed baseballs; Silverware; Leather chaps; Venezia accordion; Walking canes; Lighters; Belt buckles; Large assortment of beer steins; Emmett Kelly figurines; Emmett Kelly showcase; Large amount of smoking pipes; Jars of buttons; Camel cigarettes neon sign; Marlboro upright ashtray; China to include Nortiake, Nippon, Ironstone, Lefton, Haviland,Prussia Royal Rudolstadt; Pyrex; USA leaf 09-01 – Monmouth IL Stoneware – 12 Bowls/4 Plates (Brown), 10 Bowls/12 Plates (Blue);


Furniture: China hutch; Glass front corner cabinet; Oak desks; Six drawer dresser; Parlor tables; Cane bottom chairs; Locking cedar chest; upholstered chairs; Blue leather recliner; Book shelves; Pipe display cabinet; Legs bar stool;


Auctioneers Note: This listing is very brief. Many items still in storage at the time of advertising so be sure to attend this auction. Very large amount of DJ equipment, Glassware, Antiques, Restaurant equipment. This auction will be partly indoors and outdoors and will be held at the Macomb IL. Elks Lodge. Lunch and restroom on site.  All announcements made on sale day shall supersede any prior advertisements. Not responsible for accidents, errors, loss, or omissions. Cash, credit card or check accepted with proper ID.

Cary & Branda Devore Collection

This sale will be loaded top to bottom on both days, as we strongly advise you to attend each day.  This sale will include the better part of the lifetime collection from Cary Devore, with help from his wife Brenda. Over the next few weeks, we will be uploading hundreds of photos as we are setting this sale up and going through years of his displayed collection as well as his amassed accumulation.   Some of the items that you can expect from this sale will be over 100 advertising signs to include a Mobil pegasus cookie cutter, 1960s Mobil experimental lighted sign (only one of its size known to exist), Skylark Gasoline porcelain sign, numerous 6ft. pole signs, dealership signs, neon signs, and numerous others; over 50 gas pumps to include at least 25 gravity feed pumps such as a Rush Stove Pipe, Rush Mod. K, Fry 73, Fry 83, Butlers, Bennetts, Hayes, Americans, RARE 5 gal. Tokheim and numerous early 1900s pumps; electric pumps to include a Wayne 60, Tokheim 850 clockface, RARE National A-38 w/ station lighter, matching 6ft bowsers and numerous others; 100s of pump parts as well as nearly complete pumps for restoration or parts; over 50 coin operated soda machines and coolers from Pepsi Cola, Coca-Cola (RARE 1941 Baby Mills), Nesbitt, Double Cola that will include original paint machines and 2 owner machines that have been indoors their entire lives; 100s of advertising smalls, signs, cans and misc.; over 125 bicycles from the early 1900’s to Muscle Bikes of the 1970s, bikes to include several Stingrays, numerous early Schwinns, Sears & Roebuck, B.F. Goodrich, Shelby and various early manufacturers; 5 HEMI MOTORS for rebuild; several folk art items, numerous one of a kind items; antiques and farm primitives; various coin-op machines, car parts, lubsters and various early oil pumps; cast iron poles for signs and lights; early wooden boat; soda fountain items, soda bottles, syrup dispensers, gas station items and various other items too numerous to mention at this time.

Schuyler County Country Farm Auction

Pauline & The Late Floyd ” Jerry” Ford

Antique Furniture –  7′ walnut corner cabinet; walnut Eastlake bed frame w/ matching dresser;  7′ oak pressed front cupboard; 7′ oak church pew; oak washstand; oak piano stool w/ ball & claw feet; (2) oak parlor tables; round oak kitchen table w/ four chairs; (2) oak wash stands; large oak 3 drawer dresser w/ mirror; oak settee; primitive cabinets and shelves; primitive painted one drawer table; various painted tables; possum belly cabinet base; vintage trunks; painted 3 drawer dresser w/ mirror; numerous primitive chairs; brass and cast iron bed frames; 3 piece 1950s bedroom suite; 1950s kneehole desk; various metal cabinets and shelves; 1940s one door china cabinet w/ matching buffet as well as various other pieces of furniture. Also will be selling some modern items including an Amana washing machine and a Crosley refrigerator/freezer.

Antiques & Primitives – Western stoneware rolling pin; Dodge Bros. dealership barrel bank; Early Marx electric train; Gene Autry cast iron gun; McCormick Deering cream separator and hand crank corn sheller; Potter’s Knitting Silk 3 drawer spool cabinet; 6 drawer spool cabinet(rough); farming books and manuals; Maytag wringer washer; Maytag gas engine; 1930s child’s tricycle; Folk art carved chain; good early cow print; Crosley floor radio; “Organ Grinder” music box w/ rolls; (2) Lincoln Drape Aladdin Lamps; 1950s pedal car; stone grinding wheel on stand; John Deere planter boxes; metal lawn chairs; wash tubs; galvanized tubs, buckets and troughs; 5 gal. advertising oil cans; wooden ladders; old wooden doors, windows and fixtures; primitive tools of all kinds; advertising items and smalls; steel implement wheels; walk behind plows and cultivators; 1940s sleds; bulk oil cans; cream cans; seed sacks; small anvil; wooden crates and advrt. boxes; double washtub on stand; wooden wagon wheels; buckboard wagon seat; Red Jacket well pump; 20 gal. cast iron cauldron on iron stand; very large selection of early farm primitives; 100s of old license plates; treadle sewing machine; chalk-ware figures; early holiday decorations; cattail and grapevine stoneware pitchers; numerous pieces of stoneware and pottery; baby scale; rag rugs; McCoy clown cookie jar; small oak whiskey barrel w/ handle; costume jewelry; oil lamps; milk bottles; 4 qt. butter churn; 1950s flamingo mirror; hat pins; hand-painted china and numerous other primitive and antique items too numerous to mention. Over 150 Indian Artifacts and Coins – Jerry and his daughters searched this farm for years and unearthed over 150 pieces, all off of this family farm.  There will be arrowheads, axe heads and points. Highlighting this collection is a 16 lb. axe head that measures 11″ x 8″ x 3″.  This sale will also include over 100 silver coins(dollars, halves, quarters, dimes); Indian head pennies; wheat pennies and several pieces of old currency.  No key date coins found, but please check our website for updates. Antique Guns – Black powder Kentucky long rifle w/ “JD” monogram, several other antique guns for parts.

Tractors, Farming Items & Scrap – AC D-15 tractor; Ford 8N tractor; Ford 2-bottom plow; Case grain drill w/ seeder; Vermeer 605 C baler; Farm King gravity wagon(damaged) on good gear; flare box wagon; (3) fuel tanks on stands; early pull type road grader w/ 5′ blade; arc welder; Oliver tractor hood; roto-hoe; yard cart on steel wheels; tire chains; cast iron shop stove; small aluminum Jon boat; hoop nets; rough cut lumber; small barn beams and boards; various primitive farming items and other pieces of equipment.  there will be several opportunities for scrap on this sale and barn clean outs.

Joyce & The Late Bob Louden

Truck, Boat, Tools, Outdoor and Hunting items – 2009 Chevrolet Z-71, two door, extended cab pickup with less than 60,000 on 5.3 motor, 4X4, newer tires and folding bed cover; Lowe 16′ Jon boat w/ Evinrude 15hp motor and Land’r trailer; Honda EM 3000 generator(like new); Coleman 11 gal. portable air compressor; Craftsman tool box; Stihl BG 55 leaf blower; Dolmar LT-210 weed eater; Torro 22″ push mower(like new); 230 lb. yard roller; Agri-Fab 44″ yard sweep; thatcher; Craftsman 5 in 1 2700 psi power washer; 7′ fiberglass step ladder; wooden picnic table; metal/plastic folding picnic table; fish cleaning table; bank line boxes; MinnKota trolling motor; over 150 traps to include a Newhouse #4 – Onieda, conibear, dog-proof traps  and various others; fishing poles, various hunting and trapping items; bolt cutters; electric angle grinder; complete line of quality tools to include Craftsman, Stanley and Vise-Grip; large Samson bench vise; small bench vise; hand tools, HD alum. two wheel cart; lawn chairs, yard ornaments and various other outdoor items.

Antiques, Fred Gibb items, Household and Appliances – Chas. H Ditto – Keithsburg, IL duck hunter notice; Maxfield Parrish prints; over 40 pieces of Fiesta-Ware; coo coo clock w/ stag; Shirley Temple bowls and pitchers; early 1900s small safe; couple early quilts; Louisville Slugger bats to include Johnny Bench and Carl Yastrzemski; mounted badger; yard long military print; various wooden duck decoys; penny sidewalk scale; metal lawn chairs(restored); stoneware jugs and crocks; hoop rugs; D.C. “Bud” Burgess prints; (3) butcher’s cleavers; primitive knives; Van Kamps advert. box; cast iron cauldron; doilies and fancy work; kitchen primitives; antique glassware to include two complete sets of china; (2) Fred Gibb Chevrolet blast jackets; Fred Gibb original picture; Fred Gibb t-shirts; Fred Gibb 68 Nova and 67 Camero toy cars-signed by family members; floor model tube radio(works) 200 lb butcher’s block; oak roll top desk; oak drafting stool; ladies oak desk; 5 drawer walnut dresser; walnut vanity; walnut Jenny Lind bed w/ mattress; walnut round table w/ 4 chairs and matching hutch/ china cabinet; walnut jelly cupboard; small glass door gun cabinet; large two door gun cabinet; two drawer chest; primitive tables; various antique and primitive chairs; general line of household type items; Sentry 1380 safe; Amana chest type freezer; older GE refrigerator and chest type freezer; Frigidaire 5ft apartment refrigerator/freezer; other household appliances and items too numerous to list.




Friday, November 23  9:00AM

Auction Held: 17055 E 1825th; Bushnell, IL

OPEN HOUSE Wednesday 10:00am- 4:00pm & Thursday 10:00am – 4:00pm

Antiques selling both days




Antiques, Primitives & Signs: Ithica Walker Bros. General Store sign; 1930s Nichols & Shepard Combine poster; 10′ 2 pc. Sinclair Gasoline Porcelain sign; Sinclair Dino pump sign; Goodyear battery cable rack; various beer neon signs; 5′ V-C fertilizer sign; 6′ Coca Cola Fishtail Sled sign;  Anco Windshield wiper cabinets; Phillips 66 Christmas poster; ABC popcorn dispenser; 6′ Massey Harris porcelain sign as well as several other signs; John Deere walking plow; Lake Side Farm Machinery crate end; pedal tractors to include a IH 1026, Hamilton brand chain-drive, Cockshutt 30 and a 1990s NOS JD 7600; over 60 1960s-1980s stamped steel trucks and toy tractors; various other early toys; (12) cast iron boot jacks; several cast iron banks; several good fruit jars to include amber lightnings; sleigh bells; Pioneer seed clock; advertising boxes; sugar buckets; 3 drawer spool cabinet; 100s of old marbles to include a 1 7/8″ swirl shooter; early galvanized show box; (2) counter top scales with weights; early wooden painted ice box with original signs; 100s of Victorian trade cards; advertising tins of all kinds; over 100 pieces of local stoneware and pottery to include Western, White Hall, Blue Band; Red Wing, Morton, Peoria; A.W. Eddy – ranging in sizes from 1/2 gal. to 15 gal.; several pieces of mid to late 1800s Eastern American Stoneware; ovoid jugs and jars; churn and crock lids; mini jugs; spongeware bowls; stoneware pitchers and bowls; depression glass;cruets & pickle castors;  nice selection of good early glassware; (12) early violins with cases; cylinder record player; silhouette pictures; large wooden door w/ etched stag glass; galvanized tubs, buckets and cans; (2) Civil War tintype photos; dozens of tintype & daguerreotype photos; cabinet photo; early framed prints; over 20 oil lamps including Aladdin; Sleepy Eye pitchers; cast iron string holders; sugar molds; butter molds; good early baskets; Longaberger baskets; early Aeroflight wagon; vintage sleds; oil jars; pocket knives; extremely large amount of farm primitives to include plows, wagon wheels, cast iron items, tools, seed sacks, pulleys, pitcher pumps, anvils, cream cans, weather vanes, oil cans, hog oilers to include a Macomb Over the Top, well pumps, egg baskets and misc. other items; RR cart; candlestick phone; numerous stained glass windows; milk bottles; (8) oak kitchen clocks; 6’ oak dial face sidewalk scale; Folk Art whirligig; Round Oak Stove and various other items that have yet to surface for this sale. Check website for updates!

Antique & Primitive Furniture: 12′ store display cabinet; 7 1/2′ harvest table; 9 drawer primitive cabinet; headmaster’s desk; 26 drawer 6′ store cabinet; 6′ four door primitive cupboard; early painted drafting table; The Ross table washstand; 12 tin pie safe; 6 1/2′ pine country cupboard; pine dry sink; oak 1 door china; oak 3 door bookcase; oak sec./curio w/ gallery; oak 5 drawer dresser w/ mirror; oak highboy dresser w/ mirror; oak 5′ book case; ornate oak full size bed; 7′ over sized oak hall tree; 6′ oak wardrobe; (4) oak washstands; (6) oak parlor tables;  (2) oak 3 drawer chests; oak desk; oak highboy dresser; (2) round oak kitchen table; oak step back kitchen cupboard; oak Arts & Crafts desk; oak 4′ church pew; walnut 7′ Eastlake dresser w/ mirror; walnut game table; 2 piece walnut drop front desk; walnut 2 drawer table; (8) Eastlake marble top walnut dressers w/ mirrors; (3) walnut settees; (6) walnut cane bottom chairs; walnut gate leg table; 1860s walnut dresser w/ mirror; (2) 10′ primitive benches; 12″ church pew; primitive stools; wrought iron shaving stand; painted one door cabinet; early dovetailed trunk; bentwood chairs; primitive painted chairs; blanket chests; trunks; carpenter’s chest; (3) knee hole desks; 10′ depot bench and numerous other pieces of antique and primitive furniture.

Tools: Coleman 27 gallon air compressor; Craftsman rolling tool box; Cutting torch; Dewalt sawzall; Murray snowblower; Ranch King riding lawn mower; John Deere D125 riding lawn mower; Troy Bilt garden tiller; Rugid lawn cart; Work benches; Wheelbarrows; John Deere 175 riding lawn mower with snow blade; Assortment of wrenches and hand tools; Plastic shelving; Two wheel carts; Delta diamond plate tool box; Paint sprayers; Deer target; Steelman Tool drill press; HomeLife leaf vac/blower; Reliant disk/belt sander; Ryobi router/table; 12” Craftsman band saw; 10” Craftsman table saw; Workbench with built in sanding table; Stihl 026 chain saw.  There will be a large amount of outdoor items and hand tools. More tools will be listed on the website prior to the auction.

Modern Furniture/Appliances: Whirlpool matching stainless steel refrigerator and freezer; Gibson chest deep freezer; Speed Queen matching washer and dryer; Whirlpool refrigerator/freezer; Whirlpool glass top electric stove; Kenmore stainless steel microwave; Assortment of like new beds, Tan lift chair; Dinette table with matching chairs; Rocking chairs; Like new Vaughan Bassett 3 piece bedroom set; Round oak tables; Single bed with mattress (like new); Full size bed with mattress (like new); Oak end tables; Oak kitchen chairs; Oak tea cart; Various rockers and recliners.  This listing of modern furniture is very abbreviated. Expect more quality items.

Health/Beauty: Make-up; Skin & hair care; colognes and more from Josie Martin; Redken; Philosphy; Olay; OPI; Stetson; Juara; Elizabeth Arden; CIBU; Nick Chavaz; Becca; Doll 10 and more

Vehicles: Schwinn Scooter (campus); 2007 Honda CR-V; 1999 Ford Taurus. More to come!

Coins/Jewelry: 100s of coins to include Silver dollars, 1/2 dollars, quarters, Wheat pennies, uncirculated coins, proof sets, Large cents, Indian head cents, Peace dollars, Morgan dollars, Shield nickels, foreign coins and numerous others; over 50 pieces of paper currency; sterling & turquoise jewelry; costume jewelry;

Auctioneer Note: This will be a large 2 day antique auction with two rings running each day. Check out www.kylekelsoauctioneer.com or find us on Facebook under Kyle Kelso Auctioneer for more info on auction sale order for each day. All announcements made on sale day shall supersede any prior advertisements. Not responsible for accidents, errors, loss, or omissions. Cash, Credit card, and Check accepted with proper ID. This is one auction you won’t want to miss! Hope to see you there!